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Margaret Dragu & Pam Hall: Marginalia 

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Rebecca Belmore
New Work from Untitled & East West: The Capture of Mary March
June 10 - July 30, 2005
Artist Talk July 14, 2005

The capture of Desmasduit, one of the last Beothucks in Newfoundland, is the starting point for this meditation on the history of colonialism. These new works were an extension of earlier works shown in Toronto. Also featured was her "Untitled" series of 3 portraits bound in white cloth that had been taken in grunt the summer before. The works were exhibited on the wall they were taken on.

The exhibition ran parallel with her exhibition Fountain at the Venice Bienale. On her return she gave an artist talk about the works in the exhibition and showed video documentation of her 'Fountain" installation.


Rebecca Belmore has produced installation and performance works for almost 20 years. Her installation work has been shown in numerous group exhibitions including, Land Spirit Power at the National Gallery of Canada (1992), Site Santa Fe (1995), InSite 1997. In 2003, Belmore produced a major solo exhibition, The Named and the Unnamed for the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery at UBC, in Vancouver. Some of her past performances include, Creation or Death, We Will Win, at the Havana Biennale, Cuba (1991), The Indian Factory at Tribe and AKA, Saskatchewan (2001), and Vigil, Talking Stick Festival, Vancouver (2002). Belmore was Canada's official representative at the 2005 Venice Biennale, where she exhibited her video installation, Fountain. Rebecca Belmore, an Anishinabekwe from Northwestern Ontario,now resides in Vancouver.

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