Karen Kazmer: "Wreck and Hover"
Welcome back to the second issue of brunt magazine online. brunt magazine and brunt online allows grunt gallery to archive and activate past shows and performances for online audiences and others unable to visit the gallery. brunt online is more than just an archive: it is a space for artists' work to continue to engage others. brunt online is not just a reprint of brunt magazine—it's video streams of challenging performances, artist reflections on their work, and critical writing on past exhibitions. brunt online is a "partner in crime" to brunt magazine, together they are an art make-over, an art take-over, coming straight into your living room, or wherever your little internet window to the world is. For the professors out there and the terminal students you can write papers and get first hand interviews with the artists, as well as archival exhibition material. Built to please brunt online offers you up art with no holds barred.
Use the print magazine as a guide and surf through this content. The print magazine is downloadable as PDF (12.7 MB). Happy surfing!!!!!
The second edition of brunt magazine was edited by Tania Willard. This enhanced content site was compiled and designed by Archer Pechawis from grunt's archives.
Thank you to Heritage Canada's Gateway Fund and The Diversity Initiative Program from the City of Vancouver.
grunt gratefully acknowledges funding from the Canada Council for the Arts through the Visual Arts Section and InterArts Office, The British Columbia Arts Council, The BC Gaming Commission, The City of Vancouver and the Heritage Canada's Arts Presentation Program as well as our members and supporters.